Elasticsearch: Get Document Counts using Java High Level Rest Client

Image by OpenClipart-Vectors from Pixabay

We can use Java High Level Rest Client to get the count of documents in an index. It can also be used to execute a query and get the count of matching documents.


The Elasticsearch Java High Level Rest Client provides count API which can be used to get the followings:

  • Total number of documents in the indices or
  • Number of documents matching a query.

Query Building

In our previous post we used account data and inserted in accounts index. I want to know the number of documents where the first name of the account holder is Kelley. The following code shows the JSON query for the same:

#Number of accounts with Firstname as Kelley
POST accounts/_count

For achieving the same using Java High Level Rest Client, we can build the query as shown below:

final var countRequest = new CountRequest("accounts");
countRequest.query(QueryBuilders.matchQuery("firstname.keyword", "Kelley")); 

Query Execution

After this we can use High Level Rest Client to execute the query as following. For configuring the client please follow this post.

final var countResponse = restHighLevelClient.count(countRequest, RequestOptions.DEFAULT);
final var count = countResponse.getCount(); 

A working code example is present in this git repository. I hope it is useful for you. Happy learning :).


  • https://www.elastic.co/guide/en/elasticsearch/client/java-rest/7.12/java-rest-high-count.html
  • https://pixabay.com/vectors/hand-counting-fingers-one-two-162127/
